a unique perspective on design consulting

S1 Food Service is owned and operated by Lori Schroeder, former Principal of S3 Consultants.


She has  30 years of hands-on operational experience. This unique expertise managing facilities from 600 meals per day to 33,000 meals per day offers unparalleled value to the planning and design process.




▪   County Jail Food Service/Kitchen

▪   Central Plant and Receptor Sites

▪   Military Prison Kitchen for Army

    Corps of Engineers

▪   Cook/Chill Facilities

▪   Mental Health Food Service

▪   Schools




U.S. / Canada / Israel / China




“Lori is very knowledgeable and responsive to her clients. She delivers her services in a timely manner and goes the extra mile.”


                                       James Robertson, Partner

                       Vorhees Robertson Justice Services

© 2114 Food Service Consulting      630.783.9232

                                                                                                                    Website by: Ericson Mitchell Creative